Regulatory Comparison of Documents


Have you ever had to ensure that your company follows laws and regulations through document comparison?

Automated comparison of your compliance policies with laws or other regulations can be made possible with Lymba.

Created for the FAA to compare domestic orders to international annex’s, Lymba is able to semantically compare the meaning of a document to another document. Our pipeline will parse PDFs, capturing useful information such as document structure and the semantic meaning of text, output RDF Triples which can then be compared using a Graph Database.

Complex language? Not a problem.

Our system can learn technical jargon unique to your field.


We use ontologies to tailor our pipeline to specific domains including Finance, Engineering, and Law.


Our system can pick up the nuances between words such as “shall” and “may”.


Semantic Search

Instead of a sparse handful of keywords, you can make use of full sentences and paragraphs that describe what you are looking for. Unlike traditional search engines that find documents by matching literal keywords given in a brief search string provided by the user, semantic search works by finding documents that are semantically similar (i.e. similar in meaning) to the search query.



The search query can be a single question or an even an entire document which enables more applications: search for similar documents, finding relevant forum branches for a verbose new message, etc.



New directions of research through the Related Concepts cloud comprised of ontology concepts found in the result set, but not present in the query.



Each search is cached and assigned a unique bookmark link in order to enable collaborative data analysis between teams. Just send a collaborator the search bookmark link, and they will see the same search and results.