Medical Playbook


The Lymba Medical Playbook is a conceptual training to help you learn our NLP platform. With it, you will learn:

Lymba for Patient Medical History and Physical Data

  • Journey through Jane Doe’s records to extract key knowledge from doctor’s notes.

  • “Speed read” clinical findings, procedures, and medications (Provider EMR data).

Clinical Trial Analytics with Lymba

  • Extract Clinical Trial information and semi-structured data that is relevant to Jane Doe from

Querying Data in Natural Language

  • Consider a specialty use case for an FDA clinical trial sponsor to adjudicate severe adverse events.

  • Use a knowledge graph to link together disparate knowledge bases before querying with natural language.

What to Expect

By demoing our software, learn how to extract the needed information from unformatted textual notes, tables, and formats within patient medical records. You can also read patient history PDFs and extract important semantic concepts with Lymba’s K-Extractor™.

Turn your raw data into identifiable terms through an Ontology, such as UMLS MeSH or other publicly available seed ontologies to recognize information according to your concepts and reelations.

You can even find what patients certain studies include by creating inclusion criteria, identifying semantic relations, and looking for where such criteria appear in.

Look at multiple clinical trials from a specific lens. We can use the very same ontology and extractions to access knowledge contained in relevant clinical trials.

What Lymba Can Do for Your Business

Enable important business users to generate intelligence without writing a sincle line of code. Our software enables the digitization, processing, and learning of textual documents. You can also publish granular extractions to RDF for use in machine learning datasets.

Our Products



How NLP Tools Can Help Improve EMR Interoperability


What’s Wrong With Clinical Trial Management & What Can NLP Tools Do To Speed Read Data